Nose surgery

The nose is a characteristic feature-forming organ of the face, that is why its correction may positively as well as negatively modify the harmony of the face. The shape of the nose may be determined by genetics and post-natally acquired impressions, such as an accident. Because of individual features the cartilaginous and osteologic structure may be of various shapes. From this aspect the nasal bone, its extension: the lateral cartilage, the nasal wing cartilage ( its outer and inner curves) and the nasal partition (septum) are of vital significance.

The nasal bone and the lateral cartilage determine the width of the nose, the shape and curve of the ridge. The nasal-wing cartilage is responsible for the shape of the nose-tip, and it also determines its fineness or “grossness”. The nasal partition makes up for the length of the nose, the grade of protrusion of its lower third part from the face as well as the straightness of the nose-axis.

The above are usually determined by congenital factors. Accidental injuries of the nose are also influential factors. In the course of nasal plasty we aim at achieving the best result by correcting the above anatomical features. We may modify the tip of the nose by removing the upper part of the nose-wing cartilage. The width and curve of the nose-ridge may be corrected by carving off of the nasal bone and the protrusion of the lateral cartilage or by “breaking” the nasal bone. The length of the nose may be modified by reducing the lower edge of the nasal partition; similarly the protrusion of the nose may be corrected by chipping off the frontal edge of the partition. A considerable curve of the nasal partition may deform the nose-axis, therefore solving this problem in a more serious case is the task of a otolaryngologist. Correction of the nasal wings may be feasible by excisions made at their bases. The best aesthetic result depends on the shape of the nose and may be achieved by a combination of the above operations.

The operation is performed under narcosis following a thorough examination. Its duration may vary from half an hour to 2-3 hours depending on the degree of deformation. The incisions are made hidden, inside the nose ( except for the nasal wing operations ).

After the operation we put a fixing bandage (plaster) over the nose for 5-10 days. We put a tampon inside the nose to lessen bleeding and to enhance the clinging of the lifted mucous membrane. The tampon is removed within 24-48 hours of the operation. The patient must not blow nose, lean forward or do physical work for 2-3 weeks. When removing the plaster from the nose the correction of the nose becomes visible, although the final shape may still not be seen because of the existing swelling. A more refined result is seen in 4-6 weeks, however, we may see the actual final result only after half a year, since in the meantime there could be several smaller changes. Most frequent complications of the operation are bleeding, inflammation, temporary numbness, difficult breathing and asymmetry. If there are excisions ( e.g. nasal-wing reduction) there may be a difficult wound healing. In a very rare case there may be a necrobiosis of a small part of the skin on the nose-ridge.